Tuesday 18 June 2013

Islam, Iman and Ihsan by Shaykh Ali Laraki

Islam Iman and Ihsan: A talk by Shaykh Ali Laraki 

The following is a talk which Shaykh Ali Laraki gave for the Leeds New Muslims in May 2013 at the Cardigan Centre. Click [HERE] to listen to the talk.


The Meem Institute has designed a program at the end of which a Diploma in Sharia Sciences (DSS) can be obtained. The Meem Institute DSS, when completed, will provide the student with a solid basis in the sciences of the Deen. The DSS is divided into two levels, the first one being the necessary knowledge that every educated Muslim should have and the second being the basis for further progression into a deeper knowledge of the sciences of the Deen.

Click here for more details ->

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