Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Islam -- Its New Beginning by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi

Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi gives the position of the emergent force of world Islam, and the necessary steps to social renewal.

Postscript to the video by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi

[Taken from his website: www.shaykhabdalqadir.com]

The only way in which political discourse let alone dialogue can re-start after over a century of silence is by permitting a frank critique not only of structures – corporations and distribution systems – but also of money as numbers controlled abstractly in algorithms, as well as the need to dismantle complex legal frames designed to prevent the evolutionary moves to end oligarchic power.

Since the logic of the mathematical financial apparatus implies, and can be observed to be approaching, a final oligarchic leadership of a mere few hundred holding the world’s wealth and its people enslaved to them, in turn offering that oligarchy the irresistible urge to monarchic absolutism, the radical steps to rescue mankind insist on being taken. War in the mass and terror in the desperate individual have already been factored into the system thus demanding of those desirous of change a total rejection of these means.

Necessary  for this transformation are, one – worship of the Divine Creator, for the enemy of men is atheist, afraid and a victim of belief in chance: two – the ruthless application of reason identifying the persons behind the structures and the enslaving prohibitions they employ.

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