Monday 26 March 2012

Mufti Abu Layth al-Maliki - Q&A With New Muslims (VIDEO) (Also Useful for the Not-So-New Muslims!)

Part 1

In this video Mufti Abu Layth addresses the following topics during a Q&A session:

Why/how did the other 'madhabs'/schools of thought die out?
'Qur'an & Sunnah' only approach?
Good bid'a
New discoveries
Differences in hadith narrations
Praying for deceased non muslims
Going to ulama/scholars
'Urf'/custom in shari'a
How many different hadith are there?
Learning through hadith
Are 'madhabs' sects?
Taqleed (Some time called 'blind following')
'Mursal' hadith
Using the title 'mufti' 

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