Monday 16 April 2012

The Shahadatayn Sonnets by Shaykh Abdalhaqq Bewley

There is no god except Allah
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

La ilaha illa’Llah

The phrase: “There is no god except Allah”,
the gateway to right guidance, is the tree
described in the Qur’an so vividly,
its roots going deep, its branches spreading far.
It tells us how things work and we discover,
that cause and effect are not quite what they seem;
though events appear as one unbroken stream
in truth no one thing hangs on any other.
The rain that falls, the varied winds that blow,
each illness cured and every swelling pod,
these things and all events which come and go 
are the direct creative act of One Lord God.
But more than this, the gift these words impart
is light and stillness in the human heart.

Muhammadun Rasulullah

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”:
these weighty words spring lightly to the tongue.
Yet this is one whose praises have been sung
by countless lovers; and angel choirs, which are
beyond the bounds of this material sphere,
blaze forth his glory to their Lord; and He
Himself proclaims His Messenger to be
the greatest of all creatures to appear.
His qualities of character are so fine,
no mortal eye is capable of seeing
the manifold ways aspects of the Divine
were mirrored in him as a human being.
So let my words, O Lord, spell out his worth
And show him as Your shadow on this earth.

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